Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Snowy Thoughts

As I sit inside looking out into the morning snow, I'm wondering what happened to the 60-degree weather we'd been having?  The weather here in Appalachian Ohio has been way too warm for winter, and the only thing it has accomplished is making me yearn for the baby chicks to arrive and getting the garden going.  (I suspect my friend Farmer Bob is getting a bit tired of me asking him if I can start my seeds yet!)

The nice thing about snow, even the little bit we're having now, is that it provides me with a time to slow down and just enjoy life. Some of my winter projects have actually been completed (!) although I still haven't knitted that winter hat that's been on my list since last year. I have time to enjoy the cats and attempt yet again to de-mat the Manx. I've painted the "cat room" and redecorated it; Lisa and even the cats seem to like it!

 I've even e-filed my taxes already!

So what's a girl to do now?  Well I could go check out the new pics of everyone's baby chicks...but that just makes me want some of my own.  I don't even have any yet, but I've already figured out how to expand the coop we have so that I can get some more breeds.  Cabin fever anyone?

There are two blue jays sitting on the tree beside the window, glaring at me. Time to get off the computer and go feed them!  (Just one more peek at the chicks on Facebook...)

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