Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 1 with the chicks, continued...

These girls are fun!!! lol    They get excited when I come into the coop and start peeping.  Picked some clover (one for each of course) but only one chick noticed it. She picked it up, turned around and the others began chasing her around in a circle forever!  Hilarious.  They couldn't be bothered with the other clover bits I provided them, they only wanted hers.  I don't think she ever got to eat it-but she sure did amuse me!

Stays pretty warm in there; had to move the heat lamp almost to the very top to keep it just at 95 degrees.  They were clustered on the other side of the brooder, but still eating and drinking and pooping...lol.  Moved it back down tonight as it's chilly here again.  Will check on them again before we go to bed to make sure it's still warm, but I think I've finally found the right spot for it.  The biggest problem is that Treebeard wants to come in and visit!  (he's one of our cats...)  He sits outside the door and cries until I come out.  Maybe next month, Treebeard.

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