Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Capitalism is Killing Us.

I listened to an NPR story this morning about growing food in Africa using "traditional" seeds. The story was about people using the "old" way of growing food-no chemicals or adulterated seeds-and gee~the yield was better.


The assumption that everyone needs to make money to pay for living is driving me nuts. Stories appear everyday about some country starving to death because people can't afford food. Can't afford food? How did we let that happen?

It seems "we" have accepted the fact that capitalism is the best way to live. It's not. Money doesn't buy happiness-or life-or these days not even much gas for the tank. Why do we rip out the trees and pastures, throw up a development and then tell people they need to get a job to buy food and gas to drive to a job, so that they can just survive? Leave us alone!! Let us live in our familial areas, grow our own veggies and raise our own meat-if we want to. There is nothing to say that we all need to live in polluted cities, working for poverty wages so we can buy some GMO corn to feed our starving children. It's wrong.

The revolution we need is the No More Capitalism Revolution. Join it. Watch how your life becomes yours again. It's amazing how healthy we are when we're not running around trying to earn a buck (that's not going to buy you a cup of coffee anymore.)

Slow down!! Breathe! And don't participate in the capitalist problems anymore.

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