Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ordered Baby Chicks Today!

Well, this is the start of our new adventure.  Took the plunge and order chicks this morning-Easter Eggers and Buckeyes.  The Black Copper Marans had to be ordered separately and will come at a later date.  I didn't know people ordered chicks so early!!  I've been checking different websites trying to decide on breeds, and when I went to order found that almost all of the early dates were gone!  We had hoped to have them in April, now we're looking at May and the first week of June.  Ah well...I suppose that will give us more time to prepare, and maybe we'll even have the fencing up by then! lol

The Buckeye Chickens are the only breed developed by a woman-so you know we had to have those.  They are on the Critically Endangered list, so at some point we will probably get a rooster and hatch some eggs.  They are the color of a (duh) buckeye nut-and the woman was from (duh) Ohio.  Good choice I think.

The "Easter Eggers" lay blue-green eggs.  The true breed is Araucana and they are from South America.  Breeders have bred for the egg color in this country, and so the "Easter Egger" was born.  Not a true Araucana but the colored eggs should be a novelty and sell well.

The Black Copper Maran is also a rare breed and lays chocolate eggs (like a Hershey bar color!)

This should be fun-more to come as the days go by.   Below: top pic is a Black Cooper Maran, followed by a Buckeye and then an Easter Egger!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME. Now we have to get busy and build a fence so the little ones can go out when they get feathers. Looking forward to helping you get this done.